
  • 第一章 妳所採用的瘦身節食法是否有問題呢?
  • 第二章 有助於美麗瘦身的食品和正確的吃法
  • 第三章 為了達成瘦身目標的節食瘦身菜單
  • 第四章 為了美麗地瘦身,每天都要留意
  • 第五章 有效的塑身方法
  • 第六章 持之以恆節食必能成功


  • ISBN:9575579674
  • 叢書系列:
  • 規格:平裝 / 206頁 / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> >



... The Frog and the Mouse 青蛙和老鼠(上) One day a Mouse goes to play at a nearby pond. There he meets a Frog. They start playing together and become instant friends. 一天,一隻老鼠到池塘邊玩耍。在那裡,他遇見了一隻青蛙。他們一起玩兒,很快就成了好朋友。 Frog: We are best friends, aren't we, Mouse? 青蛙:我們是最要好的朋友,對嗎,老鼠? Mouse: Of course, we are. Why do you ask? 老鼠:那當然。你為什麼要這樣問呢? Frog: Well then, let's always be together. 青蛙:嗯,那我們永遠待在一起吧。 Mouse: How can we do that? 老鼠:我們怎樣才能永遠待在一起呢? Frog: I have an idea. Let's tie our legs together with a string. Then we can go everywhere together. How about it? Don't you think it'll be fun? 青蛙:我有個好主意。我們用繩子把腿系在一起吧,這樣,無論我們走到哪裡都不會分離了。怎麼樣?這樣是不是很好玩? Mouse: Wow! That's an interesting idea. But it might be dangerous. 老鼠:哇!這倒是個很有意思的主意。不過,這樣做可能有危險。 Frog: How come? 青蛙:怎麼會呢? Mouse: Someone might get hurt. 老鼠:有人可能會受傷的。 Frog: You worry too much. No one will get hurt. It'll be fun. Let's try it. 青蛙:你擔心的太多了,沒人會受傷的。這樣做一定會很好玩,我們試試吧? Mouse: Okay. If you insist. 老鼠:好吧。如果你一定要這麼做的話。 The Frog and the Mouse tie their legs together. They go everywhere together and do everything together. 於是青蛙和老鼠用繩子把他們的腿系在一起。他們走到哪裡,做什麼都在一起。 Mouse: I'm hungry. Let's go to the corn field. I want to eat some corn. 老鼠:我餓了,到玉米地里去吧!我想吃玉米。 Frog: Fine. Let's go, but don't run. It's hard to follow you. 青蛙:好,我們走吧。不過你別跑,要不然我就跟不上你了。 Mouse: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know. 老鼠:哦,很抱歉。我沒有想到這一點。 The Frog watches while the Mouse eats. 老鼠吃東西的時候,青蛙只好在一邊看著。 Mouse: Hey Frog, what shall we do next? 老鼠:嘿,青蛙。接下來我們做什麼呢? Frog: I don't know. Let me think. What can we do? Hmm... Ah ha! I've got it! 青蛙:我也不知道!讓我想想。我們能做點什麼呢?嗯......啊哈!我想到了。 Mouse: What is it? 老鼠:什麼? Frog: Let's play at my house. 青蛙:到我家去玩。 Mouse: Where is your house? 老鼠:你家在哪裡? Frog: It's right over there. 青蛙:就在那邊。 Mouse: I can't go there. 老鼠:可是我不能去啊! Frog: Why not? 青蛙:為什麼? Mouse: Because it's underwater. I can't breathe underwater. I can't even swim well. 老鼠:因為你的家在水裡。可是我在水裡無法呼吸,而且我也不會游泳。 Frog: Oh, I didn't know. Then I'll teach you. Just hold on to me. You won't drown. Besides, your legs are tied to mine. 青蛙:哦,我沒想到這一點。不過我可以教你,只要你抓緊我,水就不會淹到你。何況我們倆的腿還系在一起呢! Mouse: Will it be safe? 老鼠:這樣安全嗎? Frog: Of course, it'll be safe. 青蛙:當然安全。 Mouse: Are you sure? 老鼠:你敢肯定嗎?










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博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/888words/products/0010182735




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